Introduction of School of Mathematics and Statistics
The School of Mathematics andStatistics has three departments: Statistics, Applied Mathematics andMathematics teaching. There are 86 teachers in the school, including 20 full professorsand 27 associate professors. We have 35 teachers with PhD degrees, 17 masteradvisors, 2 Chongqing academic technology leaders and 3 Chongqingoutstanding young teachers. There are over 1000 undergraduate students major inStatistics, Economic Statistics, Applied Statistics and Mathematics and AppliedMathematics.
Statistics is the keydisciplines . The School has two master programs:Statistics and System Analysis and Optimization. Our statistics program wasawarded as the specialty major of Chongqing. It has three Municipal QualityCourses, two Municipal outstanding resource courses and one outstandinggraduate program course.
In the past five years, we have published over 300 papers in high level journals, including 'Journal ofFunctional Analysis', 'Chinese Science', 'Statistical Research' and otherhigh-level authoritative academic journals. There 180 SCI indexed papers. We gained 19 NSFC projects, 3 Ministry of Education projects and over 80 government research projects, with more than 10 million research funding. Theschool also gained 8 provincial and ministerial level scientific awards. To bettercommunicate and collaborate with other researchers, we have established long-termconnections with domestic universities as well as famous universities inUnited States, Singapore and Canada.
The school also encourages thestudents to participate activities both inside and outside the class. In thepast three years, our students gained excellent achievements in the NationalContest of Mathematical Modeling. We have total 8 national first prizes, 40 nationalsecond prizes. Student graduation rates and the employment rate remain above 90percent. According to the employee's feedback, our students present high qualityand professional competence in their work position.