论文名称 |
刊物名称 |
发表时间 |
论文级别 |
第一作者 |
On the Gaussian Projection Inequalities |
International Mathematics Research Notices |
2023-11-21 |
A1 |
蔺友江 |
Nontrivial solution for Klein-Gordon equation coupled with Born-Infeld theory with critical growth |
Advances in Nonlinear Analysis |
2023-03-03 |
A1 |
何传敏(学生) |
Equilateral Chains and Cyclic Central Configurations of the Planar Five-Body Problem |
Journal of Nonlinear Science |
2023-02-01 |
A2 |
邓义杨 |
Finiteness of Spatial Central Configurations with Fixed Subconfigurations |
SAIM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry |
2023-08-03 |
A2 |
邓义杨 |
双圆盘上Hardy-Toeplitz算子的几个问题 |
中国科学-数学 |
2023-10-16 |
A2 |
丁宣浩 |
Quasi opposite-based learning and double evolutionary QPSO with its application in optimization problems |
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence |
2023-09-07 |
A2 |
何光 |
A fast stochastic approximation-based subgradient extragradient algorithm with variance reduction for solving stochastic variational inequality problems |
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics |
2023-03-15 |
A2 |
龙宪军 |
Existence and Concentration of Solutions for a 1-Biharmonic Choquard Equation with Steep Potential Well in $${{\textbf{R}}}^{N}$$ |
Journal of Geometric Analysis |
2023-09-01 |
A2 |
陶钬(学生) |
Robust preview control of interconnected continuous-time systems with parametric uncertainties |
Applied Mathematical Modelling |
2023-01-21 |
A2 |
谢豪 |
A fast BDF2 Galerkin finite element method for the one-dimensional time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation with artificial boundary conditions |
Applied Numerical Mathematics |
2023-02-10 |
A2 |
谢江明 |
An Intelligent Fuzzy System Based on the Optimization of Ecological Agriculture Areas |
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence |
2023-02-22 |
A2 |
许晓曾 |
Asymptotical behavior of non-autonomous stochastic reaction-diffusion equations with variable delay on R^N |
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis |
2023-09-25 |
A2 |
赵文强 |
Valuation of variable annuities with guaranteed minimum maturity benefits and periodic fees |
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal |
2023-08-01 |
A3 |
艾美桥 |
GMM estimation of partially linear additive spatial autoregressive model |
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis |
2023-02-03 |
A3 |
程素丽 |
Toeplitz算子的特征值和特征向量 |
数学学报 |
2023-01-15 |
A3 |
丁宣浩 |
Banach空间中三步隐式中点法则算法的研究及应用 |
数学学报 |
2023-09-15 |
A3 |
管金林 |
惯性混合投影法求解分裂公共不动点问题 |
数学学报 |
2023-01-20 |
A3 |
管金林 |
On Mond–Weir-Type Robust Duality for a Class of Uncertain Fractional Optimization Problems |
Axioms |
2023-11-02 |
A3 |
郭晓乐 |
人口普查净覆盖误差估计研究 |
统计研究 |
2023-11-25 |
A3 |
胡桂华 |
Group penalized logistic regression differentiates between benign and malignant ovarian tumors |
2023-09-10 |
A3 |
胡雪梅 |
Estimation of the net error rate of population size in China’s household registration |
Mathematical Population Studies |
2023-09-01 |
A3 |
黄艳华(学生) |
Mordukhovich stationarity for mathematical programs with switching constraints under weak constraint qualifications |
2023-04-01 |
A3 |
李高西 |
Stability of stochastic reaction-diffusion equation under random influences in high regular spaces |
Journal of Mathematical Physics |
2023-08-01 |
A3 |
李志(学生) |
k-Codimensional projection bodies |
2023-11-21 |
A3 |
蔺友江 |
Acta Mathematica Scientia |
2023-03-16 |
A3 |
蔺友江 |
Modified subgradient extragradient algorithms with a new line-search rule for variational inequalities |
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society |
2023-07-20 |
A3 |
龙宪军 |
Triple correlations of ternary divisor functions. II |
International Journal of Number Theory |
2023-03-14 |
A3 |
娄淼 |
Some Results on Bundle Systems for a Countable Discrete Amenable Group Action |
Acta Mathematica Scientia |
2023-06-25 |
A3 |
潘娟 |
Characterizing a class of robust vector polynomial optimization via sum of squares conditions |
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications |
2023-02-15 |
A3 |
孙祥凯 |
A New Halpern-Type Bregman Projection Method for Solving Variational Inequality Problems in Re?exive Banach Space |
results in mathematics |
2023-10-15 |
A3 |
唐艳 |
New iterative algorithms with self-adaptive step size for solving split equality fixed point problem and its applications |
Optimization Methods and Software |
2023-02-16 |
A3 |
唐艳 |
Some nonlinear characterizations of reflexive Banach spaces |
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications |
2023-03-16 |
A3 |
唐艳 |
On the average codegree of a finite group |
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications |
2023-03-01 |
A3 |
汪忠碧 |
Design of distributed preview tracking controller for nonlinear interconnected systems with time-delay |
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control |
2023-08-11 |
A3 |
谢豪 |
非光滑半无限多目标规划近似解的对偶和鞍点定理 |
应用数学学报 |
2023-07-25 |
B1 |
张雯(学生) |
 一类带映射差的非凸向量优化问题解的稳定性 |
运筹学学报 |
2023-05-25 |
B2 |
曾静 |
On regularity criteria for MHD system in anisotropic Lebesgue spaces |
Electronic Research Archive |
2023-06-30 |
B2 |
程昆(学生) |
Bergman空间的再生核与Toeplitz算子的特征向量 |
数学物理学报 |
2023-10-08 |
B2 |
丁宣浩 |
调和Hardy空间上的Toeplitz算子的酉等价性 |
数学物理学报 |
2023-02-20 |
B2 |
丁宣浩 |
Structure-guided computed tomography reconstruction from limited-angle projections |
Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology |
2023-01-27 |
B2 |
龚长城 |
求解随机变分不等式问题的随机逼近向前–向后算法 |
工程数学学报 |
2023-06-20 |
B2 |
贺月红(学生) |
户籍登记系统的净误差估计 |
人口与经济 |
2023-06-26 |
B2 |
胡桂华 |
Semi-Varying Coefficient Fixed-Effect Panel Data Model Explores the Dynamic Relations between PM 2.5 and the Meteorological Factors |
应用概率统计 |
2023-02-10 |
B2 |
胡雪梅 |
An Accelerated Double-Proximal Gradient Algorithm for DC Programming |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research |
2023-11-01 |
B2 |
李高西 |
Wolfe-Type Duality for Mathematical Programs with Switching Constraints |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research |
2023-04-04 |
B2 |
李高西 |
Asymptotic analysis of scalarization functions and applications |
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization |
2023-04-01 |
B2 |
李耿华 |
基于局部熵的区域活动轮廓图像分割模型 |
数据采集与处理 |
2023-05-20 |
B2 |
李梦 |
Regularized Poisson regressions predict regional innovation output |
Journal of Forecasting |
2023-10-10 |
B2 |
李想(学生) |
Some existence results of bounded variation solutions for a 1‐biharmonic problem with vanishing potentials |
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences |
2023-03-24 |
B2 |
刘瑞(学生) |
Composition operators on fock-type spaces |
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics |
2023-03-10 |
B2 |
秦杰 |
不确定平方和凸多项式优化的SDP 松弛与鲁棒鞍点刻画 |
吉林大学学报.理学版 |
2023-03-02 |
B2 |
谭玟(学生) |
Perturbation Resilience of Self-Adaptive Step-Size Algorithms for Solving Split Variational Inclusion Problems and their Applications |
2023-10-03 |
B2 |
唐艳 |
Existence and concentration properties for the 1-biharmonic equation with lack of compactness |
Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques |
2023-09-01 |
B2 |
陶钬(学生) |
Existence of nontrivial solution for quasilinear equations involving the 1-biharmonic operator |
Asymptotic Analysis |
2023-01-01 |
B2 |
陶钬(学生) |
Siberian Mathematical Journal |
2023-03-01 |
B2 |
汪忠碧 |
A study on spot welding quality judgment of stainless steel plate based on semi-supervised conditional generation adversarial network |
Advances in Mechanical Engineering |
2023-01-13 |
B2 |
王兵 |
求解随机混合变分不等式问题的方差约减随机算子外推算法 |
系统科学与数学 |
2023-06-30 |
B2 |
杨静(学生) |
SIMEX estimation for quantile regression model with measurement error |
Statistics and Its Interface |
2023-07-01 |
B2 |
杨宜平 |
基于工具变量的变系数测量误差模型的分位数回归估计 |
系统科学与数学 |
2023-04-01 |
B2 |
杨宜平 |
On second-order conic programming duals for robust convex quadratic optimization problems |
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization |
2023-03-15 |
B2 |
张欢(学生) |
Double penalized regularization estimation for partially linear instrumental variable models with ultrahigh dimensional instrumental variables |
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation |
2023-10-03 |
B2 |
赵培信 |
Orthogonality based penalized GMM estimation for variable selection in partially linear spatial autoregressive models |
Communications in Statistics- Theory and Methods |
2023-03-01 |
B2 |
赵培信 |
不完全观测数据下混合效应模型的正交投影估计 |
工程数学学报 |
2023-02-01 |
B2 |
赵培信 |
Continuity of solutions in H^1(R^N)\cap L^p(R^N) for stochastic reaction-diffusion equations and its applications to pullback attractor |
Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation |
2023-12-01 |
B2 |
赵文强 |
城镇职工基本养老保险账户的支付风险测度研究 |
江西财经大学学报 |
2023-02-01 |
C1 |
孙荣 |
新非线性混沌系统动力学分析及仿真 |
复杂系统与复杂性科学 |
2023-11-02 |
C1 |
周雯静(学生) |
Static term structure of interest rate construction with tension interpolation splines |
AIMS Mathematics |
2023-11-27 |
C1 |
秦湘斌 |
一般经济均衡的本质稳定性及Hadamard适定性 |
数学物理学报 |
2023-06-01 |
C2 |
曾静 |
基于双策略协同进化的QPSO算法及其应用 |
计算机应用研究 |
2023-02-15 |
C2 |
何光 |
基于 VAR 模型的重庆市大气污染物分析及研究 |
《重庆工商大学学报(自然科学版)》 |
2023-10-25 |
D |
安军 |
集值优化问题E-Henig有效解的稳定性 |
《重庆工商大学学报(自然科学版)》 |
2023-06-15 |
D |
曾静 |
群体博弈合作均衡的存在性和适定性研究 |
《重庆工商大学学报(自然科学版)》 |
2023-07-05 |
D |
曾静 |
Hardy空间上的Volterra-复合算子 |
西南师范大学学报.自然科学版 |
2023-02-20 |
D |
丁宣浩 |
单位圆盘上几种Toeplitz算子的数值域 |
西南师范大学学报.自然科学版 |
2023-04-20 |
D |
丁宣浩 |
非自治Schrodinger-Bopp-Podolsky系统的基态解 |
西南师范大学学报.自然科学版 |
2023-02-20 |
D |
贾春容(学生) |
一种针对脑部图像分割强度不均匀性的改进方法 |
《重庆工商大学学报(自然科学版)》 |
2023-02-23 |
D |
李季 |
基于 Bert 股吧舆情分析的特征融合股价走势预测研究 |
《重庆工商大学学报(自然科学版)》 |
2023-08-20 |
D |
李梦 |
基于深度学习和小波分析的 LSTM-Wavelet 模型股价预测 |
《重庆工商大学学报(自然科学版)》 |
2023-04-20 |
D |
李梦 |
带非局部扩散项的一般性霍乱模型的行波解 |
应用数学 |
2023-02-01 |
D |
廖书 |
一类带时滞的霍乱传染病模型的稳定性分析 |
西南师范大学学报.自然科学版 |
2023-02-01 |
D |
廖书 |
基于机器学习的重庆市粮食产量预测及影响因素分析 |
中国农机化学报 |
2023-10-15 |
D |
邬粒(学生) |
反正切直觉模糊熵在多属性决策中的应用 |
模糊系统与数学 |
2023-02-01 |
D |
许晓曾 |
基于活动轮廓模型的在线铁谱图像分割研究 |
重庆师范大学学报.自然科学版 |
2023-08-14 |
D |
许晓曾 |
一个含指数项超混沌系统的动力学分析及仿真 |
重庆理工大学学报(自然科学版) |
2023-06-15 |
D |
张付臣 |
战略性新兴产业集聚对碳排放强度的影响研究 |
统计理论与实践 |
2023-04-25 |
E |
陈修素 |
共同富裕视域下相对贫困测度与标准设定 ——以重庆市为例 |
重庆文理学院学报(社会科学版) |
2023-03-15 |
E |
于学霆 |