袁利军:香港城市大学计算数学专业毕业, 获博士学位,best365在线官网登录入口教师。男,1982年10月生,湖南人,教授,硕士导师,历任best365在线官网登录入口讲师、副教授,主要研究方向为科学计算、深度学习。 先后在《Journal of Computational Physics》、《SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics》等期刊发表学术论文31篇, 出版学术专著1本,获重庆市自然科学三等奖(排名第四)1次。作为负责人承担过国家自然科学基金1项、重庆市科委基金1项、重庆市教委科技项目2项、重庆工商大学博士科研启动项目1项;参与国家自然科学基金项目1项,重庆市科委基金项目1项。
2005.07 北京化工大学信息与计算科学专业,获理学学士学位
2007.09 香港城市大学计算数学专业,获硕士学位
2010.09 香港城市大学计算数学专业,获博士学位
2010.09-2011.08 香港城市大学博士后研究员
2011.05-2011.11 重庆工商大学讲师
2011.12-2017.12 重庆工商大学副教授
2018.01-至今 重庆工商大学教授
1.2019-2022 《连续谱束缚态的数值计算和理论分析》 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目 cstc2019jcyj-msxmX0717
2.2016 – 2019 《非线性亥姆霍兹方程边值与特征值问题的数值研究以及在非线性光学中的应用》重庆市科委基础与前沿研究计划(一般)项目 cstc2016jcyjA0491
3.2013 – 2015 《周期结构中的非线性亥姆霍兹方程的快速数值算法》 国家自然科学青年基金 11201508 已结题
1.Ling Tan, Lijun Yuan* and Ya Yan Lu, “Resonant field enhancement in lossy periodic structures supporting complex bound states in the continuum,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 39(2): 611-618, 2022
2.Lijun Yuan*, Xiaoxia Luo, and Ya Yan Lu, “Parametric dependence of bound states in the continuum in periodic structures: Vectorial cases,” Physical Review A, 104:023521, 2021
3.Lijun Yuan* and Ya Yan Lu, “Conditional robustness of propagating bound states in the continuum in structures with two-dimensional periodicity,” Physical Review A, 103:043507,2021
4.Lijun Yuan and Ya Yan Lu*, “On the robustness of bound states in the continuum in waveguides with lateral leakage channels,” Optics Express, 29:16695-16709, 2021
5.Lijun Yuan* and Ya Yan Lu, “Excitation of bound states in the continuum via second harmonic generations,” SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 80:864-880, 2020
6.Lijun Yuan* and Ya Yan Lu, “Parametric dependence of bound states in the continuum on periodic structures,” Physical Review A, 102:033513, 2020
7.Lijun Yuan* and Ya Yan Lu, “Perturbation theories for symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum on two-dimensional periodic structures,” Physical Review A, 101:043827, 2020
8.Zhen Hu*, Lijun Yuan, and Ya Yan Lu, “Resonant field enhancement near bound states in the continuum on periodic structures,” Physical Review A, 101:043825, 2020
9.Zhen Hu, Lijun Yuan, and Ya Yan Lu*, “Bound states with complex frequencies near the continuum on lossy periodic structures,” Physical Review A, 101(1):013806, 2020.
10.Lijun Yuan* and Ya Yan Lu, “Unidirectional reflectionless transmission for two-dimensional PT-symmetric periodic structures,” Physical Review A, 100(5):053805, 2019.
11.Lijun Yuan* and Ya Yan Lu, “Bound states in the continuum on periodic structures surrounded by strong resonances,” Physical Review A, 97(4):043828, 2018
12.Lijun Yuan* and Ya Yan Lu, “Bound states in the continuum on periodic structures: perturbation theory and robustness”, Optics Letters, 42(21):4490-4493, 2017
13.Lijun Yuan* and Ya Yan Lu, “Robust iterative method for nonlinear Helmholtz equation,” Journal of Computational Physics, 343:1-9, 2017
14.Lijun Yuan* and Ya Yan Lu, “Strong resonances on periodic arrays of cylinders and optical bistability with weak incident waves,” Physical Review A, 95(2):023834, 2017
15.Lijun Yuan* and Ya Yan Lu, “Propagating Bloch modes above the lightline on a periodic array of cylinders,” Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optics Physics, 50(5):05LT01, 2017
16.Lijun Yuan* and Ya Yan Lu, “Diffraction of plane waves by a periodic array of nonlinear circular cylinders”, Physical Review A, 94(1):013852, 2016
17.Lijun Yuan*, “Standing Waves on a Periodic Array of Circular Cylinders with Saturable Nonlinear Media”, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 48(3):182, 2016
18.Jianliang Qian*, Lijun Yuan, Yuan Liu, Songting Luo, and Robert Burridge, “Babich's Expansion and High-Order Eulerian Asymptotics for Point-Source Helmholtz Equations”, Journal of Scientific Computing, 67:883, 2016
19.Jianliang Qian*, Wangtao Lu, Lijun Yuan, Songting Luo, and Robert Burridge, “Eulerian Geometrical Optics and Fast Huygens Sweeping Methods for Three-Dimensional Time-Harmonic High-Frequency Maxwell's Equations in Inhomogeneous Media”, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 14(2):595-636, Jan. 2016
20.Lijun Yuan* and Ya Yan Lu, “Nonlinear Standing Waves on a Periodic Array of Circular Cylinders”, Optics Express, 23(16): 20636-20646, July 2015
21.Lijun Yuan and Ya Yan Lu*, “Bilateral symmetry breaking in nonlinear circular cylinders”, Optics Express, 22(24): 30128-30136, Dec. 2014.
22.Lijun Yuan* and Ya Yan Lu, “Mode reduction for efficient modeling of photonic crystal slab structures”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 32(13): 2340-2344, July 2014.
23.Lijun Yuan* and Ya Yan Lu, “Efficient numerical method for analyzing optical bistability in photonic crystal microcavities,” Optics Express,21(10):11952-11964, May 2013
24.Lijun Yuan and Ya Yan Lu*, “Efficient numerical method for analyzing photonic crystal slab waveguides,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 28(9):2265-2270, Sep. 2011.