易之瑶,南佛罗里达大学教育测量与评估专业毕业,获博士学位,best365在线官网登录入口教师。女,1990年11月生,讲师,研究生导师,主要研究方向为结构方程模型方法论及其在统计调查,心理、社会测量等方向应用研究。 在SSCI期刊上发表论文10篇,参加教育、心理、统计等顶级国际学术会议(AERA,NCME,JSM,MMM)并作报告10余次。作为负责人承担过《“双减”政策实施情况评估与展望》纵向项目的研究,参编《Multilevel Modeling Methods with Introductory and Advanced Applications》著作。
2016.08 – 2020.08, 南佛罗里达大学, 教育测量与评估, 博士
2014.08 – 2016.08, 南佛罗里达大学, 教育测量与评估, 硕士
2008.09 – 2012.06, 西南石油大学, 俄语, 学士
2020-11 至 今, 重庆工商大学, best365在线官网登录入口, 讲师
《Educational and Psychological measurement》审稿人
2020-10 至 2024-12,纵向,“双减”政策实施情况评估与展望,项目负责人,经费:15万。
1.Wang Yan; Kim Eunsook; Yi Zhiyao; Robustness of Latent Profile Analysis to Measurement Noninvariance Between Profiles, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 2022.2, 82(1): 5-28
2.Tan Tony Xing; Yi Zhiyao; Is Adoption Equally Beneficial to Different Aspects of Youth’ s Behavioral Health? Findings From Comparing Adopted Chinese Youth with Non-Adopted American and Chinese Youth, Youth & Society, 2021, 53(1): 153-169
3.Yi Zhiyao; Wang Yan; Tan Tony Xing; Evidence for a Higher-Order ESEM Structure of ADHD in a Sample of Chinese Children, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 2021, 43(2) : 376-387
4.Tan Tony Xing; Yi Zhiyao; Camras Linda A.; Cheng Ke; Li Zhengjie; Sun Yu; Chen Nuanling ; The effect of academic performance, individualistic and collectivistic orientation on Chinese youth’s adjustment, Social Psychology of Education, 2021.10, 24(5): 1209-1229
5.Yi Zhiyao; Chen Yi-Hsin; Yin Yue; Cheng Ke; Wang Yan; Nguyen Diep; Pham Thanh; Kim EunSook ; Brief Research Report: A Comparison of Robust Tests for Homogeneity of Variance in Factorial ANOVA, The Journal of Experimental Education, 2020, 88(1): 1-16
6.Tan Tony Xing; Yi Zhiyao; Kamphaus Randy W.; Wang Yan; Li Zhengjie; Cheng Ke; Testing the Reliability and Construct Validity of a Chinese Translation of BASC-3-SRP for 12- to 18-Year-Old Youth, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 2020, 38(5): 599-612
7.Tan Tony Xing; Yi Zhiyao; Kim Eunsook; Li Zhengjie; Cheng Ke; Linguistic Equivalence, Construct Validity, But Lack Measurement Invariance: An Illustration of Challenges in Cross-Cultural Research on Adolescent Adjustment, Cross-Cultural Research, 2020, 54(4): 323-345
8.Tan Tony Xing; Yi Zhiyao; Camras Linda A.; High Family SES and Youth Adjustment: The Case of Chinese Youth Who were Adopted from Orphanages into American Families, Children and Youth Services Review, 2020, 110: 104784